2 min read

Edith Yeung’s 2017 China internet report

500 Global Team



Our very own 500 China partner Edith Yeung just released her China internet report. This 67-page report includes everything you need to know about China internet landscape including China vs. US internet by the numbers, China internet market size, top China startup cities, venture capital, smartphone landscape, major Chinese internet trends including messaging, mobile payment, Cryptocurrency, shopping, bike sharing, live streaming. gaming, eSport, artificial intelligence, and education.

Here are some of our takeaways:

  1. China internet future is really bright…
  2. China is the leader of messaging, mobile payment, bike-sharing, gaming, eSport, live streaming and online education industries.
  3. China’s domestic market for mobile payment, bike-sharing, gaming, eSport, live streaming and online education is big enough that many players are not looking outside of China.
  4. Government support is instrumental China wants to dominate artificial intelligence and the government is pushing hard to make this happen.
  5. To experience China, you need to spend time in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou
  6. China is the world’s largest education market with 144 Million online users.
  7. China is the world’s largest cryptocurrency market and is developing its own digital currency.
  8. WeChat is Facebook, WhatsApp, Tinder, Paypal and Slack combined.


Edith Yeung is the head of 500 Startups Greater China and partner of 500 Mobile Collective Fund. Edith invested in over 40 mobile, VR, AR, AI and machine learning startups, including Hooked,, DayDayCook, Fleksy (acquired by Pinterest), Human (acquired by Mapbox), AISense, and many more. Before 500, Edith worked with companies like Dolphin Browser, Siebel, AMS, AT&T Wireless and Autodesk. For more from Edith, you can follow her on Twitter and Linkedin and newsletter

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