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Startup Growth

Latest AI Applications from 500’s Batch 25
4 min read

Latest AI Applications from 500’s Batch 25

AI is one of those buzzwords that feels like it has endless applications. That’s why it is hugely important for us to unde...

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7 UX / UI Design Tips to Improve Your Startup Growth
11 min read

7 UX / UI Design Tips to Improve Your Startup Growth

Below is a collection of my tips and feedback from a creative branding workshop I led during the most recent 500 Startups’...

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WMD ’16: Post-Conference Q&A with Brian Balfour
5 min read

WMD ’16: Post-Conference Q&A with Brian Balfour

Guest blogger – Brian Balfour, Founder & CEO, Reforge The below article is comprised of audience questions asked...

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The Yin & Yang of Marketing and Innovation
6 min read

The Yin & Yang of Marketing and Innovation

Guest Blogger – Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, Chief Marketing Officer Mozilla  “Business has only two functions—marketing and...

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Hooks: An Intro on How to Manufacture Desire
500 Distro
8 min read

Hooks: An Intro on How to Manufacture Desire

Guest Blogger – Nir Eyal, Author “Hooked: How yo Build Habit-Forming Products” Type the name of almost a...

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The Career-Changing Impact of Learning How to Invest

The Career-Changing Impact of Learning How to Invest

Our flagship Venture Capital Unlocked investor training program is back! The 2 week executive ed. program that we co-run w...

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The Startup Pivot Pyramid
500 Global
7 min read

The Startup Pivot Pyramid

In 2011 we raised $2M from some of the top investors in Silicon Valley. Our startup, SocialWire (later renamed Manifest), ...

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Rethinking The Accelerator: What You’ll Achieve At 500 Startups

Rethinking The Accelerator: What You’ll Achieve At 500 Startups

Before Avanoo arrived at 500, they were making about $2,000 a month selling self-help videos. But after a spell of stardom...

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Miami’s Startup Ecosystem Only Needs A Little Gas In The Tank
500 Global
10 min read

Miami’s Startup Ecosystem Only Needs A Little Gas In The Tank

Few of us who live and work in the Bay Area hail from here, but we still have a regional bias; the Bay Area is the best. W...

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Growth Case Study: StudyPool on Growth for Fundraising & Increasing Revenue by 25% — monthly

Growth Case Study: StudyPool on Growth for Fundraising & Increasing Revenue by 25% — monthly

Studypool is an online marketplace that has seen 25% month over month revenue growth — 90% of which comes through or...

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When Ecommerce Meets SMS: A Growth Case Study with Bohemian Guitars & Sonar
500 Distro
9 min read

When Ecommerce Meets SMS: A Growth Case Study with Bohemian Guitars & Sonar

Today’s Growth Case Study takes a scientific look at the explosion that happens when you layer SMS marketing on top ...

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Zero to Million Dollar Run Rate — A Story of Growth & Hustle ft. Avanoo

Zero to Million Dollar Run Rate — A Story of Growth & Hustle ft. Avanoo

Avanoo is a 500 Startups Batch 12 company that went from being a zero dollar business to hitting a million dollar run rate...

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Mayvenn is Killing It Because of Community
7 min read

Mayvenn is Killing It Because of Community

Today’s GROWTH case study looks at how 500 portfolio company Mayvenn is leveraging one of the most untapped — ...

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Podcast is the New Blog

Podcast is the New Blog

Awhile back, a rather unassuming dude named Franco asked to interview me for his startup-related podcast.

Podcast? ...

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Who’s 500 Distro?
500 Distro
4 min read

Who’s 500 Distro?

Back in January, we bombastically proclaimed 2015 to be the year of DISTRO EVERYWHERE. How exactly are we doing on that? A...

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YouTube Famous: Is Video a Viable Growth Channel for Startups?

YouTube Famous: Is Video a Viable Growth Channel for Startups?

YouTube gets more than a billion uniques a month, featuring “big” influencers with multiple millions of subscribers, “mid-...

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